The Staff

Meet the staff! The staff here have a combined 28 years of experience in programming in various languages. We like to work together and think outside the box. This allows us to whip up some great and unique hacks in a very short period of time.

- Jerome Johnson -
Lead Programmer

Jerome grew up in LA and currently works as a self employed affiliate marketer and web developer. He enjoys Dubstep, Online gaming and animals.

Programming Languages: C++, VisualBasic, ActionScript, Python, PHP

- EpicDon7 -

Hello! I'm Don. I'm a software engineer and physical consultant. I clean up the code around here and make sure all our programs are fully optimized for all the main Operating Systems.

In my free time you can find me playing WoW and a lot of other MMOs. I have a wife and two kids. My friends call me the family guy.

Programming Languages:  C++, Python

- SiHKz -

Hey guys, I'm Scott aka SiHKz. I'm the youngest one on the team. My job is to assist Jerome in ironing out all the bugs and glitches and making sure our releases our as stable as possible!

Programming Languages: Visual C++, Ruby, Python, Perl, PHP

TheGreyKnight - Graphical Artist
Clonuk - Alpha Testing